All of nature is sensitive to man made EMFs. The level of EMFs is increasing dramatically particularly as 5G millimeter networks are deployed worldwide. The PyraLight pad offers a convincing solution outside conventional approaches.

Millimeter wavelength EMFs have been shown to have adverse biological effects even before they have been deployed. According to Dr. Yael Stein MD of the Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel:

“The study of human sweat glands as helical antennas conducted by our group in Prof. Feldman’s lab, began by looking at images of the skin created by optical coherence tomography (OCT), which revealed that the tips of the sweat ducts that expel the sweat from the gland to the pore at the surface of the skin have a helical structure (Knuttel et al, 2004; Lademann, Otberg et al. 2007; Tripathi et al, 2015). This, and the fact that the dielectric permittivity of the dermis is higher than that of the epidermis, leads one to assume that, as electromagnetic entities, the sweat ducts could be regarded as imperfect helical antennas (Feldman, et al. 2008, 2009; Kawase and Hayashi, 2011; Yang, Donnan et al. 2011; Hayut et al, 2013, 2014).

The prediction of this simulation was that there would be an influence of the sweat duct on reflected signal around 90 GHz and an even increased sensitivity in higher frequencies. Proton hopping was suggested as the phenomenon that causes the conductivity inside the sweat gland. Taking into consideration a drop in the electric potential caused by the difference in the pH values between the skin surface (pH=5.5) and the dermis (pH=6.9), one can posit the existence of an electromotive force that would provide the necessary additional charge flow in the duct.

Thus, the sweat ducts possess all the required features to reveal antenna-like behavior in the extremely high frequency band (EHF band or the millimeter/submillimeter band).

These assumptions were supported by a series of computer simulations which showed that the spectral response of the ducts indeed coincides with the prediction of the antenna theory.

Computer simulations have demonstrated that sweat glands concentrate sub-terahertz waves in human skin. Humans could sense these waves as heat. The use of sub-terahertz (Millimeter wave) communications technology (cellphones, WiFi, antennas) could cause humans to perceive physical pain via nociceptors.

As 5G WiFi is spread in the public domain we may expect more of the health effects currently seen with RF/ microwave frequencies including many more cases of electrohypersensitivity (EHS), as well as complaints of physical pain and yet unknown types of neurological disturbances.

There is no practical method of directly blocking the carrier frequencies of wireless communication. It would require one to live inside a Faraday cage all the time. Biological systems are sensitive to frequencies up to 100kHz. Resting heart rate is around 1Hz, and brain wave frequencies range up to 30Hz in daily life.

The transmitted EMFs for wireless communication are much higher than the frequencies cells respond to. However, it is the modulation of these carrier frequencies which lie in the biologically sensitive range. The random digital noise sent on wireless data networks is disturbing to nature, which works with harmony and beauty. Think of the effect of listening to noise on a radio which is not tuned to a radio station, it becomes tiring and irritating to the brain.

Although the Telecom industry pretends the only possible action of the millimeter wavelength EMF on the human body is heating, and that this is a negligible effect, Dr Martin Pall showed that the Voltage Gated Calcium Channel effect is the real mechanism causing all the observed cellular stress and DNA damage. In fact. studies have shown that Calcium Channel Blocker drugs inhibit the damage by shutting down the calcium channels, therefore proving causality.

So the key to living healthily in the presence of EMFs, including 5G, is to provide the most biologically healthy frequencies which mask out the unnatural digital noise coming from wireless transmission.

The pyralight.com magnetic pad does precisely this. It provides the three key brainwave frequencies needed to harmonize the entire body.

The three main energy centers in the body according to Taoist theory are the Upper (heavenly), Middle (heart), and Lower (earthly) Dan Tiens.

Subtle Energy Fields

Their dominant frequencies correspond to the three major states of consciousness.

  • Aware and alert Beta brainwave above 20Hz for Upper Dan Tien
  • Harmonized and peaceful Schumann brainwave 8Hz for Middle Dan Tien
  • Deep sleep and restorative Delta brainwave below 4Hz for Lower Dan Tien

The pyralight pad harmonizes the three Dan Tien centers by continuously entraining them to their optimal biological frequencies:

  • Gamma 40Hz found when the two halves of the brain are working together in “flow” state
  • Schumann 8Hz, the natural baseline frequency of the earth, and the boundary between theta (dreaming) and alpha (relaxed awake) brainwave states
  • Delta 2Hz deep sleep and meditation states when the body rejuvenates and detoxes

The relaxing and integrating magnetic and infra red pulsing take the body and mind out of the reactive stressed state which is the usual awake state for people in modern toxic environments. In particular, EMFs with their digital noise signals in the biological range become invisible to the cells when the pyralight pad is running close to the body.

The pyralight pad generates non-radiative magnetic waves like the Earth does. The earth’s background magnetic field is about 50 nT, while the pyralight pad pulses at about 1500nT. This is two million times less than MRI which operate at 4T and are regarded as safe for medical use.

Cell Biology Analog of Crystal Radio Circuit

The human body has all the necessary elements to act as a crystal radio. The crystal radio has an antenna, which is a large conductor. The outside surface of the skin provides that function. The tuning of the radio is done with a “tuned circuit”, and this is an inductor (crystalline structure of the bones) in parallel with a capacitor (the inside and outside of the dermis or skin layer, an non conducting lipid structure covering the entire body). The amplitude of the carrier wave is modulated (AM radio) by the information transmitted by the radio station. The diode in the crystal radio removes the carrier frequency, so the information can be heard.

Connective tissue is made up of chains of actin molecules. One end of the actin molecule holds a positive charge, the other a negative charge. This is a diode, in electronic terms. So the entire connective tissue, from the extra-cellular matrix surrounding each cell to the tendons and ligaments holding the body together act as a huge distributed diode.

Therefore it can be understood that the entire human body acts as a radio receiving circuit, and in the presence of EMFs it is tuning into the modulating signal being transmitted by the router or mobile phone transmitter.

Millimeter wave transmission has been used as a weapons system since at least the 1960s. It causes pain in the short term at high power, cellular degeneration and cancer at low power over the long term. The rates of cancer near cell towers is demonstrably higher over 10 years or more, and cell towers use millimeter transmission.

The Active Denial System is a long-range directed energy,weapon that projects a man-sized (1.5 m) beam of millimeter waves at a range of up to 1,000 meters. It has the same effect on all human targets, regardless of size, age and gender.  The ADS system developed by the US military makes the victim feel like their skin is on fire. The 5G network, although lower power, is completely submersive and affects the body 24 hours a day.using the same millimeter wavelength.

Given that the whole human body is acting as a crystal radio, receiving the 5G signal over its entire surface, it is vital to protect oneself from this long term degenerating damage.

The pyralight pad, by providing the three key frequencies for optimal biological functioning, restores the body to a natural function, masking the unnatural EMFs from the continual 3G, 4G and 5G transmissions, as well as ionizing radiation from plane travel, background EMFs, wifi, and dirty electricity. The pyralight pad protects by building resiliency to environmental stress of all forms, so that the stress is beneficially hormetic rather than overwhelming for the homeostatic process in our bodies.

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